View Full Version : ags website

December 18th 03, 12:19 AM
Hi all!

This website... www.animalguardiansociety.org is for a non profit
founded by a friend of mine. I'm trying to spread word about it and I hope
that some of you might take the time to visit the site.

take care,

Fr0m My Petz and I
December 20th 03, 11:37 AM
Hi Amy. I hope you & your friend don't mind but I put your friend's
website about Helping Anmals in Trouble in my Pagebuilder so everyone I
email can see. I think it's pretty good what our friend is doing

January 29th 04, 03:02 AM
Nice ideas on this web site to raise money.... if i had a pet with a
disability i would definatly buy a tag for my animal so that if she got
loose others would know if she was blind etc..... worth for everyone to
check out.