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Old February 12th 06, 12:04 AM posted to
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Default He's home was: HELP PLEASE: fever reducer for cats?

I probably shouldn't have brought him home but he's home. I knew I
would second guess either decision I made but I thought he would be
better off here. He came home all perky and happy and inspected
everything and purred and looked good. But, it's only been a couple
hours and he looks worse already. I think he has a sore throat from
the tube being shoved down his throat so much. I noticed a couple days
ago that he swallows hard, like it hurts. Well, he's doing that no, a
lot. He ate some treats, promptly barfed them up. Ate some a/d,
barfed a bunch of fluid up and that's after I had given him an oral
reglan. He hadn't been barfing at the vet but he was also on IV reglan
there. I just think it's because his throat hurts, though, and not
that he's actually nauseated. But, if he can't eat, he would have to go
back and have the tube again, and then the vicious cycle would
continue. What can you do for a cat's sore throat? Cetacaine?
Probably not. The vet is closed now and he won't be back 'til Monday.

I read all your responses. He does have some gingivitis but the vet
said his mouth could not be the cause for all this. Yes, he may have
something fungal. Cocci is the only one he was tested for. No, he's
not on any anti-fungals. I honestly don't know if we can afford to
take him to specialists at this point. We have spent $2,300 since Feb.
2 and that kind of is depleting my emergency funds. We haven't even
paid off all of Abbey's bills from last spring. Almost but not quite.
I hate that it has to come down to money for an animal sometimes. It's
different when it's a human and they have insurance or even if they
don't, they can still get some mediocre medical care. With pets, it's
all about the cash.

I just don't know what to do. He has to eat but I don't think he can.
I have oxazepam and cyproheptadine for appetite stimulant. The vet
said to use either altho he prefers the oxazepam. Maybe I should just
wait until tomorrow to try to get to him to eat. He as tube fed today
and ate on his own last night so he can go until tomorrow without
eating. Maybe his throat will feel a little better by then and he
would be able to eat? Is it common for a cat's thraot hurt to hurt
after 7 days of tube feedings? I would think it's a logical assumption
but what can be done for this?

I truly hope he isn't infectious to our other cats but our theory was
that he was here for 3.5 days sick before being hospitalized and so
far, they are fine, and that was a week ago.

Someone mentioned FIP. Yes, that was discussed briefly. He is
positive for the corona virus (as are most cats, I know) but his titers
were not very high so it wasn't really indicated, I guess. A
possibility but not one the vet apparently feels is a strong one. My
other cats are also positive for corona virus.

Any sore throat suggestions?
