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Old February 11th 06, 04:43 AM posted to
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Default A bootiful afternoon in Burgundy...

Yez dat iz a tradegi, itz kinda like when onf mine fafurint kuzinz goez
mizzin atta mine hoomanz howze, Tiger glarez at no one in partikular at this
thought, oh well, itz a gud we have wonnerful wifekittez ta care for
owrselvez, Tiger, wafin atta alla friendz anna tastin efurthin...
Mme. Anaïs ^..^ wrote in message
.. .

A yellow and blue kittie-bus has pulled up to the village quay, and
our kitties file into it, followed by the ship's Captain. In a few
minutes, it pulled into a long, stately driveway, lined on both sides
by ancient oaks. At the end is a small, but magnificent stone chateau,
with vineyards stretching as far as the eye can see.

As out kitties alight from the bus, an elegant tuxedo kitty, nattily
dressed, and smelling slightly of lavender greets them: "Bon joor,
kitties, I am Jean Ferté, zee proprietor ov Poussey D'Or, an I welcome
yourownselves to owr chateau for zee lunch, zee tour and zee wine
tastink." Jean escorts our kitties into the dining room, with low
tables of every size surrounded bu kitty-cushions.

"As eech ov you tastes zee appetizers, we haff bottles ov owr Volnay,
Clos de la Bousse d'or, Pommard, Santenay and zee Les Gravières on
eech table for yourownselves to try. Zee appitizers on eech table a
Sautéed crayfish with chervil, cock crests and kidneys; Scallops
rémoulade with Haut-Var truffles ; Lobster royale, wif chestnut
cappuccino; Pan-fried goatfish fillets, salt-cod brandade; and zee
Slice of turbot with curry, Malaga raisins and coconut milk. And zere
eez enuf ov eech for efurry kitty to try eech. Zee nekst course will
be ready in abowt a half-hour. Bon appetite, mes chatons!"

Anaïs, Tiger, Cleopatra and TV take cushions at a fairly large table,
and wave at their friends to join them. The inspector and his wink,
Bridget, join them.

"Ah zank yourownselves for infitink usses, zees eez luffly!" meows
the Inspector as he pours some of the Volnay for everykitty.

"I must say, Inspector, you look so different than last trip." meows
Tiger. "you reminded me of the American Detective Colombo on the
Orient Eggspress."

"Ahh, zank yew fur zee compliment, I admired Colombo furry much."
meows the Inspector as his wink silently rolls her eyes heavenward
behind him. "Yes, eet eez true - zere waz a personal tragedy. My wink,
Bridget, took my entire wardrobe to zee cleaners in my luffly classic
Citroën on zee first day ov zee riots, became frightened and left it
parked in a bad neighborhood ov Paree, and too zee taksi home. Eet was
'orrible. I had some ov zose clothes since zee Police Academy (Bridget
rolls her eyes heavenward again). And zee Citroën - eet waz a leetle
rough (eye roll yet again as Anaïs restrains a giggle), but eet had
many more yeers ov life in her. Efurrythink waz burned to a crisp.
'Orrible. But my wife picked owt a new Citroën, and bought me zee noo
wardrobe (Bridget pats him affectionately)..." All's well zat ends
well, Jacques," meows Bridget as she kisses the top ov his head...

He sees the Countess and waves her over as he deftly swallows a
goatfish fillet. "Ah, enough ov zis talk; how are you kitties?" He
spots Pitoonya and Sundance" "Ahh, wood yew care to joyne usses?" he
meows to them.

Mme. Anaïs
2/10/2006 8:23:44 PM