Thread: Trudence's day
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Old February 3rd 12, 04:42 AM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 4,912
Default Trudence's day

fang ursef, akshulee iz now ten yearz owlde, diz haz beend a wunnerful
partee so fur, i iz hopin fur sum muzik furm dat niz mancat what fanceez
rebeka anna how iz yourown mofur in paw dowin? trudi thrilled wiffa kakae
"Pi2nya AKA Sweetee" wrote in message

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Klikkitty Klick Klikkity klik klik

Hapy Purrrday, Trudi, an menny moor!
I didunt know heow owld yu ar, sew I olny poot wun kandul fur yu tu blo


"Storrmmee" wrote in message
Its early morning and the hoomins have just returned from work they come
in put their things down and da furee opens the big bedrum door... efuri
cat runs owt 'cept barbi who has appropriated a snuggly square bed and is
resting in it and even the promise of treats does not move her...

Trudi comes into the kitchen and allows each hoomin to pet her, then she
politely accepts a square of cheese so as to not offend the soft... then
she sneaks it to chester because this day she is not as hungry as
usual.She wanders to the patio door and looks out and thinks... my oh my
so muc has changed in the last two years...

firzt owrz howze getted eated by doze fire monzterz, den i meeeted and
winked jack, den we mofed furm owrz itti bitt compurtmint to diz itti
bitt howze where owrz ofur, sorta small howze wuz... it seemz dat fur sum
rezun da hoominz taked alla green stuffz furm arown da howze, we spekalee
OEJ duzint kare for diz az it keepsa birdeez away...

den mine wunnerful jack wented to da bridge ta wate fur minesef anna
hizown hoominz...

she thinks of all the wonderful times they had, rememberin danzes anna
smurglin anna wunnerful bagpipe muzik dat she oddly really likez...

Oh well itz anofur purr day, i haz gud hoominz, tolerable house mates
anna anofur purr day which akordinta softz grandpapa iz better dan not
hafin one...

she thinkz i needsa nofur nap, i shulda keeped dat cheese... she wanders
back into da small bedrum, hops ont to the bed and settles in by the
furree who haza little kowlde aniz watchin a mofee... trudi thinkz i know
i haz seed diz mofee befur... oh well good time fur mine nap... and she
driftz off dreaming of jack and almost hearing those bagpipes

Mean while, chester is staring out the back patio door waitin fur kittees
ta arrife, he suddenlythinkz, hey waita minute... he calls willow onna

I juzt remfured der iza door to da owt inna big bedrum, change doze
koridnates to der so we can sneak in a bit qweeter, he ahangz up and
mofez to da big bedrum ta wate