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Old December 29th 11, 05:46 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,164
Default Adbenture at the Castle

O T rubs his head. Oh deer, I duzent member. Guezz we will hafta go bak
down dere and cee what iz in dat rum. Oh, I wishez Harri wuz here, She wud
member furr me.

They board tha wagon and return to the Castle. Slowly they go back down the
steps and long hall way, they again pass the armor in the shape of cats.

"Community Kitties" wrote in message

I come bfore u and ask ur padon for what I did to you family. Iz dat
cat stickink itz head out of ur apron kin to dat cat?

Angus: Yes, I iz! Dat offur kitty was mine great-great- well, lotza
greats - grandfather cat. Rudy, dat was long time ago. It might not haf
been da right fing to do back den, but you has had more den long enuf to
fink about it.

As da repurrsentative of dat long-ago cat, I offer yourownself pardon fur
your past deeds. I just ask dat you ride wif me an mine hoomin to da clan
graveyard, and offer your apologies to da grave of mine ancestor cat.

[Rudy nods his head in acknowledgement. Knowing that dark had fallen, all
of the cats (including Rudy the ghost cat) and the human make their way
up the stairs. They leave the castle and find a couple of horses waiting
for them, one pulling a wagon. All board the wagon and set out for the
Mackey family graveyard.

Once they arrive, all of the cats jump down from the wagon and very clowly
and cautiously enter the graveyard. Angus leads the assemblage to the
grace of the Angus of centuries ago. Rudy falls to his ghostly knees and
repeats his story, asking the spirit of the long-dead Angus to forgive
him. As the living cats watch, what appears at first to be a patch of fog
swirls above the grace then coalesces into the form of a cat. This other-
worldy cat wears a kilt and heavy boots. It speaks to Rudy:]

Rudy, my old friend - I knew from the start what had happened. While I
resented that you did nae speak in my defense, I also understood why you
dinna. You could not haf known the harm that would befall me. And the
centuries you haf spent alone with your guilt and grief are more than
adequate penance for your silence. As my living descendant did, I forgive
you. Please, come join me on the sunny side of the Rainbow Bridge. I have
long been awaiting this day, and haf prepared a nice, comfy place for you.

Rudy: Thank you, my oldest friend! And you living cats, thank you! You,
young orange cat (turning to face OT) - look at the seventh stone in the
seventh room! That is where you will find what you seek.

[The ghostly form of Angus places a paw on the shoulder of the ghostly
Rudy. Rudy's form changes from an indistinct blue glow to an equally
indistinct white glow. Angus' and Rudy's forms hold paws as they walk
away, then finally fade into nothing.]

Ranger (trying really hard not to cry): Well, dat went gudgud! OT, what
did him mean by dat seventh stone stuffz?