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Old July 25th 17, 10:53 PM posted to
Sundance and/or Rebecca
external usenet poster
Posts: 625
Default Next Jellicle Ball date?

I haz an ideer of whare to go. Da reesint breakage of a bigbig iceberg off of Antartika haz reveeled a komoonitee of Antarctic kitteez livvin on an unner da ice. Dis komoonitee wuz preeviusy unknown to most of da world, altho de second world kitteez mite hav knowed of dem. (Aed? Morgana?)

I haz lerned dat dese kitteez haz dere own big sivilizashun in Antartika. Dey haz biznissez doin fingz like makin warm klothin, creatin innoti... novativ... new kindz of fudz frum da difurent kindz uv seefudz an limitid plantz dat growz dere, an more. Dey also haz diplocatic relashunz wif lokal pengwinz an seelz. I fingk dis kud be a innerestin place fur da JB.

Befur enneekittee sez it wud be tootoo kold, let myownself say dat I iz relyabully infurmed dat da unnerice dwellin areaz iz kumfurably warm, altho dey haz had too seel off partz dat wuz damijed when da iceberg breaked off.

Dis kud be a furry innerestin place, furry difurent frum ennee uther place we haz choozed fur da JB in da past. If dere iz enuf innerest, I wud be willin to make first contack wif deze kitteez, purrhaps wif a fyoo uther repurrsentativz of owrown komoonitee.

I lukz furward to seein yurown commintz.

Rebecca, VC