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Old May 8th 09, 09:37 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 555
Default Ping: Maddum Purrezidint, Lovable Louise; Lizt of Offurrsirz,Bothby Rank& Alfurrbetikulee by Kitty Name

Xclent job! Not want micromanage but few sujeshuns.

Entyre list shud not have abbrevs, write owt "secretary" & "to" r "tu" &
"Vice President" or whatefur, etc. Dat mor distingished.

***Offurrzurz ov CatAmerica, by title and rank:***

All Pooh-Bahs shud b befur Prez, more impurrtant.

Retired Catmerica Purrsident...Clarence

Duz "Prez Emeritus" sound betr? Yr 'pinion.

Senior Adviser tu Prezident...WooToo

WooToo iz sr adv 2 sec'y 4 educating hoominz.

Chancellor of the Exchequer...TV

Dis lyke Sec'y of Tres'ry, so list w/sec'ys maybe?

Chief Justicat..."Lovable Louise",

Sherif & dispacher are unner Ch. Just.

Sec'y of Bittees...Maggy May
Sec'y of Defense...Ralph de Ralf
Sec'y 4 Educating Humans...Little Kitty
Sec'y of Elder Kitties...Onyx
Sec'y of Exterior...Wascal
Sec'y of Foods...Beauty

I lyke da alfa order hir. Iz gud.

***Offishulz Uff Catmerica, Alfabetikulee by nayme:***

Margin & indent inconsistent.

Rzz. Catrane

Dat Rosco P. Catrane, begin w/R, goze betw Ralf & SS.

Lovable Louise
Chief Justicat
Grand Poo-Bah
Prez 2 Catmerica

Quotes 'round "LL" pliz az abov. Also pliz list my titlz in ordr uv
impurrtans, Grand Pooh-Bah (note speling!) den Prez den Ch. J.

Diplocat 2 White House,
Vice Grand Pooh-Bah

All P-Bs more 'portant, shud be 1st title.

I think I use 2 meni wds here. Sorree!

"Lovable Louise"

P.S. Evry1 on list doing xcelnt job, fangu evry1!